TOP Cat Harness to Buy in 2022

Walking a cat on a leash is unlike walking a dog. The same way walking a cat is different than walking a dog, the tools we need to walk a cat are different than the ones we need to walk a dogs. To Walk a cat on a leash we are going to need a harness instead of a collar and a light leash instead of a heavy duty one.

The best cat harnesses you can buy are:


2. PupTeck

3. BingPet

How do you choose the best cat harness when there are so many different types? Never fear – we're here to help! It all goes down to choosing the right cat harness for what you want to do with your adventure cat. We'll explain all the different types, who they are best suited to and what to look for.

The Safest Cat Harness

We don’t want our cat getting out of reach or getting into trouble. If you are looking for an escape proof harness, either because you don’t have the handling skills or because you want to leave no room to surprises, you have some very good options out there.

My #1 pick is the Pupteck harness, it has a buckle that will allow you to securely firm the harness around the neck and because it has a mesh, you can tighten it a little more than other harnesses without the risk of suffocating your cat. I still recommend you to leave 1 finger minimum between the harness and the cat.

The main flaw of this design is that the belly area is secured by a velcro and it can get loose with ease.

Most Comfortable Cat Harness

If you have been gifted with a cat that doesn’t mind the harness, you are one lucky cat parent. Cats can really HATE be wear them. The ideal, particularly when our cat hates the harness, is to make the experience of putting the harness on and off as seamless as possible. The easier to put ON/OFF harnesses are those who almost doesn’t require cat handling.

A good harness or walking jacket should be safe and escape proof but allow free movement. Cats are like acrobats and we want to allow them as much movement as possible when wearing a harness. This has become my #1 priority when choosing a harness for Mia as she has been leash trained for a while now and she is good at sitting still and allowing me to put the harness on and off.

My favorite harness so far is the PetSafe  it has a system that goes loose when your cat is not pulling but will apply pressure from the sides if the cat pulls.

The Cat Lense

I understand that it’s hard not to think of cats as being doglike, with doglike personalities and, especially, brehaviors. But cats are not dogs and trying to understand them through the dog lense makes cats particularly hard to read.

Predator vs. Prey

Cats are both predator and prey and their personalities will define where in the spectrum between predator and prey they are going to be when you are outdoors. Take it easy with your cat and keep sessions sweet and short.


Outdoors can be not only overwhelming but dangerous to cats. Make sure you always keep your eye at reach and pay attention to unleash dogs, predators and other threats. It's your responsibility as a cat parent to keep them safe!

Comfortable Harness for Kittens

If your cat is still a kitten and you want to prioritize comfort, my go to option would be the BINGPET. It’s not a famous option because it’s not very safe, but the mobility is great and it’s soft mesh chest patch will be gentle with an energetic kitten.

Be aware that taking your cat outdoors can be overwhelming for them so if you haven’t trained your cat to walk on a leash yet, you might want to check out this video here. If you are walking your cat already, check out which are the most common mistakes when walking your cat on a leash.

Start Slow and help your kitten enjoy every minute outdoors. As soon as they get overwhelmed, stop the session and try again another time.

Walking a cat on a leash it's easier with the right leash. Dog leashes are too heavy, get tangled and are just not made for cats. This is the leash we use and we LOVE IT.

Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner - OutdoorBengal
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner - OutdoorBengal
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner - OutdoorBengal
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner - OutdoorBengal
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner - OutdoorBengal
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner - OutdoorBengal
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner
Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner

Leash for Walking Cats 6, 10, 14ft + Stainless Steel Carabiner

Regular price$19.97
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Size length (ft)
  • Lenghts: 6ft, 10ft and 14ft - Custom lengths, please, write us an e-mail.
  • Color: Green.
  • Safe and Durable Design: This cat leash features sturdy climbing paracord, providing extra durability and effective safe control while outdoors; Its durable quality withstands active pulling or tugging from your cat during active activities, ensuring longer service life with no troublesome maintenance required
  • Comfortable to Use: Our cat leash boasts a lightweight and sturdy handle, so you can get a comfortable and firm grip even during long walks. Your adventure cat will stay safely within your safe and gentle control by maintaining a comfy connection between you and your pet while on the go or enjoying outdoor activities; Please give your cat some time to get familiar with the leash for the first time use