I started training and adventuring with my cat Mia in 2020 to drain some of her energy and enrich her life. Our journey became quite popular, and our content has reached over 100M views.
We've helped thousands of cat parents through our YouTube Channel, Online Cat Training Classes, and our newly launched Escape-proof Cat Harness.
However, it was a dark road the one that took us where we are today.
In 2019 I moved away from my friends and family in Barcelona to start a new life with my girlfriend in the US. Only a few months in, we broke up, and shortly after, my dad passed. Then, at the end of that same year, Covid hit.

When Covid hit, we were asked to go home and work remotely. Unlike many others, I was fortunate to keep my job.
Without much to do, I shaved my head and spent 100% of my time indoors for 8 full weeks.
When they made the 3rd announcement to extend the confinement, I realized I could not do it alone and I decided to get a companion.
I am allergic to cats and my working hours made getting a dog not a possibility.
After some research, I learned that bengal cats can be slightly hypoallergenic.
I did some research and found a breeder who was planning a litter for May 2020.
Mia was the smallest of her littermates and moved in with me in August, after 12 weeks with her mom and siblings.

Mia came into my life like a tsunami. She would break anything at reach (and cats' reach can be very broad).
She also started challenging me and my patience: She would wake me up at night, meow constantly for no reason, beg for food, or even try to steal food from my plate.
I did not expect this when I decided to take her in and I even considered giving up on sharing my life with a cat. I was frustrated.
I took classes and read many books. I learned that mental and physical stimulation help keep the cat's energy under control, so I started clicker training her.
After cat-proofing my home I got obsessed with operant conditioning. I learned to train my cat and it helped me with damage control.
Covid restrictions started to ease out and I decided to take Mia for walks on a leash as a desperate way to drain her energy.
She loved it so much that we started traveling together to places I wanted to visit: We did a 3,000-mile road trip across Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, we sailed around Long Island and even visited Spain.

Our videos and Pictures took off and other cat parents started inquiring about the methods we used to go on all those amazing adventures together.
We started sharing educational content to help other cat parents.
Our content has since reached over 100M views and we've helped thousands of cat parents through our YouTube Channel and Online Cat Training Classes.
We are working on products and services to help others start similar journeys because neither cats nor humans are meant to be locked indoors.
Helping other cat parents do more and better with their cats gives us purpose.
If you have read this far, thank you. Enjoy your journey, and if you ever need a little push, I'm here to help with what I can.

Adventure Cat Gear
Cat Harnesses and Leashes
If you don't yet have a harness for your cat, consider checking these ones out. We designed them with our adventures in mind. Mia loves this harness and I'm sure your cat will as well.

Cat training tools
Clicker Training Set and Game
I started noticing the bonding take a whole new level when we started training together. Training cats is easier than most cat parents anticipate. Any cat can learn, regardless of the age or the breed.

cat training school
Hire a Cat Behaviorist
If you are struggling to train your cat or don't understand them, schedule a consultation with one of our cat behaviorists.
Stay Wild! Stay Safe! We'll see You Outdoors!
Albert & Mia, the Adventure Bengal Cat
Contact us
We receive many messages but I do my best to answer to most of them!
Drop us a line!