Train Your Cat
Join the Click Crusade Challenge and transform the bond with your cat in only 10 Days, 10 minutes a day.
This is a FREE-to-JOIN online training boot camp to learn all the basics of clicker training cats.
I truly believe in the transformative power of positive reinforcement, outdoors, play, and love to elevate the bond we have with our cats.
The Click Crusade challenge will help you get there with only 10 minutes a day.

Have you ever seen a cat doing a trick and thought to yourself, “Wow, I wish I could do that with my cat!”... but don’t know how to get started?
You are not alone. Every day I meet people who didn't know this was possible. I've also heard that clicker training is detrimental to the cat. The reality is very different.
Particularly indoor cats lack the stimulation (mental and physical) that outdoor cats have. They tend to be overweight (over 75% of American cats are) and depressed.
Clicker training is a great way to stimulate, entertain and help our cats to work for their food, just as they would in the wild.
There's more: Clicker training your cat will give you the opportunity to take the bond and communication with your cat to nevels you never thought were possible.