The Click Crusade Instructions
They will walk you through the content of each card and a short explanation of the game modes (White Cards).
The Click Crusade has 2 different game modes:
Standard mode is the easiest way to teach your cat all 30 tricks, in the optimal order. Tricks that are the foundation for more complex tricks will be taught first, then you'll build stronger training on top of those foundational commands.
For those who like challenges, the challenger game mode consists of grabbing a trick at random and building the skill set needed to complete that trick.
For example: to teach your cat to jump on your shoulder you will need to:
- Charge the Clicker
- Finger or Stick Targeting
- Sitting on the Shoulder
- Jumping on the Shoulder
Cat Training Manual
Training a cat using clicker training is easy, so easy we made a game out of it. However, there are a few considerations when you start clicker training and we walk you through these in this part of the deck (blue cards).
30 + 1 Cat Tricks
This is where the fun begins. This game comes packed with tricks to teach your cat, explained in plain English and simplified in a way that every cat can understand them.
There are 3 levels in this deck and everything in between:
- Beginner Cat Tricks: These require almost no previous knowledge.
- Intermediate Cat Tricks: These will require at least some foundational knowledge
- Advanced Cat Tricks: These are the tricks that are hard to master and they are built as a combination of Beginner and Intermediate tricks.

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