What Tricks Can a Cat Learn (12 Cat Tricks + How to Teach)

There's the common misbelief that cats can't be trained. But that's simply not true! Cats are very intelligent creatures, and with a little patience and the right cat tricks, you can have your feline friend doing all sorts of fun behaviors in no time.
The best method to teach cat tricks is clicker training. With the help of a clicker, training a cat is very easy. If you don't know what clicker training is, before reading this post, I would recommend you to understand the basics of clicker training first.
So, what sort of tricks can a cat learn? Here are 20 ideas to get you started:
First Tricks To Trick a Cat
Not all tricks are created equal, the first tricks you teach your cat should serve as a foundation for everything you are going to teach after.
1. Come When Called
This one is also very useful, especially if you have an outdoor cat. By teaching your cat to come when called, you can help them avoid getting lost or into dangerous situations.
Getting your cat to listen indoors it's going to be easier than outdoors, as there are fewer competing stimuli.
Watch this video on teaching your cat their name and to come when called:
2. Finger Targetting
This was the very first trick I taught my cat Mia. This trick will allow you to take your cat to where you want, it will also help you lead your cat off the counter or inside the carrier.
It's so important I made a video about it:
The Easiest Trick to Teach a Cat
Now that you've taught your cat the basics, you might want to start teaching other tricks that are fun and cute to watch. They might not be as practical but they will help you improve the trust, the listening and the bond with your cat.
The easiest trick you can teach your cat is to Sit.
This is probably the most common trick that people teach their cats and for good reason. It's a great starting point for other tricks, and it's also a behavior that can come in handy.
Teaching your cat to sit it's very useful if you ever need to give your cat a examination, or to put their harness on and off.
To teach your cat to sit, simply hover a treat over their heads until they assume the sitting position. Once they sit, click, then reward.
If you need a little extra help, take a look at this video:
5 Easy Tricks To Teach a Cat
These next tricks should be VERY easy to teach your cat, particularly if they have already learned how to come when called, how to sit and finger targetting.
3. Shake Hands
This is a cute trick that's sure to impress your friends and family. To teach your cat to shake hands, simply hold out your hand and wait for them to put their paw in it. Once they do, give them a treat.
4. High Five
This is another fun trick that's similar to shaking hands. To teach your cat to high five, hold out your hand and wait for them to touch it with their paw. When they do, give them a treat.
5. Spin
This one is a bit more advanced, but it's still a fun trick that your cat will enjoy doing.
To teach your cat to spin, start by getting them to follow a treat that you're holding in your hand. Once they're following the treat, slowly start moving your hand in a circular motion. As they continue to follow the treat, they'll start to spin around.
Once they're spinning, use your clicker to "click" and then give them the treat and praise them for a job well done.
6. Jump Through a Hoop
This is another trick that's sure to impress your friends and family. To teach your cat to jump through a hoop, start by holding the hoop up for them to see. Then, place a treat on the other side of the hoop and wait for them to jump through to get it.
Once they've done it a few times, you can start moving the hoop around and placing it in different locations.
7. Stand on Two Feet
This is a cute trick that's sure to impress your friends and family. To teach your cat to stand on two feet, start by holding a treat in front of their nose. Then, slowly raise the treat up until they're standing on their hind legs. Once they're standing, give them the treat and praise them for a job well done.
Advanced Tricks to Teach a Cat
Once your cat has mastered the first set of tricks, you can start teaching them some more advanced tricks.
8. Play Dead
This is a fun trick that's sure to get a laugh from your friends and family. To teach your cat to play dead, start by getting them to lay down on their side. Then, wait for them to roll over onto their back. Once they're on their back, give them a treat and praise them for a job well done.
9. Walk on a Leash
Some cats will stare through the window all day... that's a sign that the cat will love to walk outdoors. There's a quick test you can do to check if your cat will enjoy the outdoors.
If your cat passes the Adventure Cat Test, your cat will very likelylove to go on walks. To teach your cat to walk on a leash, you'll need a cat harness. Collars are not recommended to walk cats because they put too much pressure on the neck. Also, if you use a breakaway collar, your cat could escape.
If you want to walk your cat on a leash make sure you choose the right harness and leash for your cat.
Once you have your cat harness, start by attaching the leash to the harness and let them get used to the feel of it indoors first. Use treats and playtime to do so.
As they get comfortable walking on the leash indoors, you can start teaching them to follow your lead outside.
10. Ring a Bell
This is a great trick for cats who like to play with bells. To teach your cat to ring a bell, start by attaching a bell to their collar. Then, wait for them to ring the bell and give them a treat.
Once they've done it a few times, you can start teaching them to ring the bell on command.
11. Roll Over
This is a fun trick that's sure to impress your friends and family. To teach your cat to roll over, start by getting them to lay down on their side. Then, wait for them to roll over onto their back.
Once they're on their back, give them a treat and praise them for a job well done.
Ticks Cats Can Do That Dogs Can't
The tricks that I like the most, though, are those tricks that cats can do and dogs can't.
12. Sit on Shoulder
One of my favorite cat-only tricks is to teach them to jumping on our shoulder from the floor and staying there.
I was a pokemon fan as a kid and having my cat go around with me, riding on my shoulder is kind of magical.
If you would like to learn how to do that, take a look at this video:
With a little patience and practice, you can teach your cat any of these tricks. Just remember to keep the training sessions short and sweet, and to end on a positive note. And most importantly, have fun!
Do you want to learn more tricks, consider buying a cat training book or "The Click Crusade" a cards game to clicker train cats while having fun!
Stay Wild, Stay Safe, See You Outdoors!
Albert & Mia
Onze kat vind het leuk om op een dienblad te springen als je deze voor je houd. Vanuit daar springt hij dan op een ander dienblad. Of op een kinder winkelwagentje waarop hij blijft liggen als je deze vervolgens rond gaat rijden. Hierbij spint hij en geeft kopjes, lijkt het zelf ook leuk te vinden.
I taught my cat to jump to me like 6 feet and then lay on my shoulder.. it’s awesome cats are really smart actually I love my baby..
Thank you for posting all these trick ideas for my cat! I only have one my cat Arlo does and it is giving me a high five. I am going down the list and with my clicker try and master each one. Thank you!
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